Season 4, Episode 1: Depression and Anxiety: The battle continues...


I am still figuring out content for our actual season and it's taking a while because my personal season is on FIRE! I continue to seek God for understanding and while He hasn't unveiled it in a way I can understand, one thing I know for sure is that this journey is meant to be shared. I have stood on the hill of transparency since I started Yea, But Are You Listening??? but this is easily the most transparent and vulnerable I have EVER been. It is not easy to discuss your innermost personal battles with the world but I believe someone's life may be saved from knowing they are not alone. I say it in the episode and I'll say it again here, GET HELP IF YOU NEED IT! You do not have to battle this life alone and there is power in therapy and there are meds to help with balance. GET HELP! If you are thinking about suicide, please reach out to the national suicide hotline at 800-273-8255 via call or text.

Often people ask, why didn't they "just" ask for help and I'm here to tell you that for a multitude of reasons, it's never that easy. If you can't relate to this episode, great,  but you never know who can so be kind anyway....


Season 4, Episode 6: Goals Over Roles


Season 3, Episode 10: An Attitude of Gratitude